DIY Apple Cider Vinegar Conditioner Rinse That Will Make Your Hair Shine
If the baking soda shampoo worked well for you, consider complimenting your routine with an…
This is Your Brain on Nature From a Scientist’s Point-of-View
If you live in a city and spend a significant amount of time on your…
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Plant Perennials to Nourish Your Garden Year-Round
Written by Acadia Tucker My dark winter nights are generally spent curled next to a…
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Is CBD Oil Beneficial for Dogs and Cats?
Medicinal Marijuana use is a hot topic in human medicine right now. Mirroring that trend, CBD oil is skyrocketing in popularity for both people and companion animals. But there are important differences between CBD and marijuana. Let’s take a look…
Healthy Nutrition is the Key to Holistic Cancer Recovery
Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in the body. Unlike normal cells, cancer cells can grow out of control, form new cancer cells and invade other tissues. Cancer prevalence is high in the United States. The three most common…
Food Waste Reconsidered – Part I
Up to 20% of all fresh foods that are grown and produced do not meet strict market requirements and often end up being plowed back into the soil or considered “waste” – produce that is crooked or discolored or has…