5 Simple Ways to Enjoy Winter Squash
The season is abundant with winter squash. These “globes of joy,” burst with sweet, nutty flavor, are packed with antioxidants and can be as versatile as your creativity allows. To help you…

Top 5 Foods for Glowing Skin
We’re back at it talking about all things regarding health and skin. Yes, we are…

4 Wheel Bob – Official Trailer
4 Wheel Bob tells the story of wheelchair hiker Bob Coomber and his attempt to…
Must See Documentaries

6 Great Organic Gardening Books to Add to Your Winter Reading List
If gardening is a big part of your life in spring, summer, and fall, the…
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Our Massive Problem with Sugar Addiction: What Can We Do?
The average American consumes about 150 pounds of refined sugar a year. That’s almost half a pound of refined sugar each day. Refined sugar is in everything, not just in sugary drinks, but even in our cut meats, in our…
Apple Pumpkin Pup-Cakes: Your Dog’s New Favorite Fall Treat
With apple season upon us, I thought what better way to celebrate than with an apple and pumpkin recipe? So, I decided on some Apple Pumpkin Pup-Cakes! These “pup” cakes are the perfect way to get some in-season apples into…
Animals Who Self-Medicate and Survive Using Just Their Intuition
Did you know that Monarch Butterflies lay their eggs on one single plant that protects the next generation from parasitic infection? Or that primates swallow whole leaves without chewing to literally scrape parasites from their stomach? This hour uncovers stories…