Gut Health Impacts Your Overall Health
When we hear the word ‘gut’, it’s often associated with the phrase: “I have a gut feeling.” There is much truth to that statement as our health is determined largely by our…
DIY Apple Cider Vinegar Conditioner Rinse That Will Make Your Hair Shine
If the baking soda shampoo worked well for you, consider complimenting your routine with an…
The Life of Visionary Food Writer Patience Gray
Ever heard of Patience Gray? If you have – good for you! And if you…
Must See Documentaries
Plant Perennials to Nourish Your Garden Year-Round
Written by Acadia Tucker My dark winter nights are generally spent curled next to a…
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Stop Shampooing Your Hair. Get More Compliments. A Baking Soda Shampoo That Really Works
I kid you not, ladies and gentlemen. This really works. Last year, I started DIY-ing my lifestyle by making all of our household’s cleaning products and beauty products. I thought, “Being a holistic chef has allowed me to make healthier…
Homemade Nutrient-Dense Mineral Broth
Homemade mineral broth has more body and is more nutrient-dense than traditional store-bought vegetable broths because of the addition of some or all of the following Booster Foods: kombu, nutritional yeast, flaxseeds, and miso. Make your own Mineral Broth at home…
How You Buy and Store Carrots Can Affect Nutritional Value
There are always so many choices for carrots when you go shopping at the store: loose, baby, 1-5 pound bags – and they are all good for you and quite flavorful! However, my favorites during this time of year are the bunched carrots.…