Not Without Us – Official Trailer

Not Without Us follows seven grassroots activists from around the world to the 21st U.N. Climate Talks in Paris. The effects of climate change on their lives reveal what’s at stake if a strong agreement to limit carbon emissions is…

Intermittent Fasting 101: What are the Benefits of Fasting?

The other day I said to my husband “I am about to embark on a 16-hour fast. No eating for the next 16 hours after my next meal. Want to join me?” Being a guy who loves to eat around…

What Didn’t Go Well in My Garden This Season

There are lots of glossy photos of amazing gardens out there, and sometimes they seem too good to be true. Last year when I was a keynote speaker at a gardening conference, after my talk one of the participants approached…

5 Simple Ways to Enjoy Winter Squash

The season is abundant with winter squash. These “globes of joy,” burst with sweet, nutty flavor, are packed with antioxidants and can be as versatile as your creativity allows. To help you get started, here are some of Chef Sita’s…

6 Tips on Safely Feeding Your Dog the Holiday Turkey Leftovers

With the holidays fast approaching, you might wonder if your pet can also indulge in some holiday turkey. The answer is “yes” – if you take some turkey precautions. Turkey contains high-quality protein and is a good source of B-vitamins…

Rum Ball Cocktail Recipe Infused with Winter Fruit

We made a delicious fresh fruit rum infusion in honor of our friend Helge Hellberg, the host of An Organic Conversation and former Executive Director of Marin Organic, who interviewed Tristan Mermin, the founder of Batiste Rhum, on the topic of sustainable rum…

How to Plan Your Garden This Winter to Be Ready for Spring

If you don’t currently receive free garden catalogs at home, you’re really missing out. It’s so fun to peek inside your mailbox on a dark and dreary winter day and find a colorful seed catalog poking out. One of my favorite weekend…

6 Natural Remedies to Avoid Skin Redness This Winter

The natural flush of cold air on your cheeks can be alluring — and yet too much skin redness during the winter months can be a bother. Here are some tricks to keep skin redness to a minimum during chilly…

Boost Your Immune System with This Homemade Tea

During the winter months and into spring, it’s common to see various types of flu and cold viruses circulating the environment, which can affect many people, including pets. Contracting one of these ailments can have profound negative effects on productivity…

Our Favorite Healthy Warm Winter Beverages Recipes

What’s better than cozying up on your couch on a cold day? Cozying up with a mug of healthy hot cocoa. Or frothy, peppermint-infused coffee. Or soothing turmeric milk. Good news: we’ve got Prescribe Nutrition approved recipes for all three.…

An Organic Conversation

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