My Hawaiian Foodie Adventure Part II Welcome to Heidi’s Hawaiian foodie adventure Part II with the Epic5 Ultra Runners! Molokai “The Friendly Island” Of all the inter-island flights we took during the event, flying from Oahu to Molokai is a clear standout…
Life Beneath the Surface: How Soil Connects Us
There is a universe beneath our feet – billions of micro-organisms in a teaspoon full of healthy, organic soil. Fungi, earthworms, bacteria, nematodes, and other organisms, arranging themselves in a constantly changing world of death and live, dormancy and decay…
Holistic Cold & Flu Remedies: How to Heal Yourself Naturally
Which herbal remedies help your body fight illness and strengthen your immune system? How can you prepare these super-ingredients for holistic cold and flu remedies? Listen to this Podcast Episode on Natural and Holistic Cold and Flu Remedies “Cold and…
Island Wisdom: The Lessons We Can Learn from Hawaiian Culture
There is a deep reverence and respect for the Elements of Water, Sky, and Earth, Sun, and Moon that we’ll find when we engage with cultures that have developed in the middle of the ocean, away from the speed of…
I Have a Confession: I Am an Emotional Eater.
If I gain or lose weight, it’s usually because of a stressful event in my life. Experts have estimated up to 75% of eating is derived from emotions, not hunger. The holiday season comes with its own share of stress…
Your Guide to Winter Squash
Winter squash makes a beautiful decoration but it is also tasty and nutritious. Curious about the different varieties available? In this episode, Chef Sita and Earl Herrick from Earl’s Organic Produce give us a quick guide to winter squash. Originally…
Not Without Us – Official Trailer
Not Without Us follows seven grassroots activists from around the world to the 21st U.N. Climate Talks in Paris. The effects of climate change on their lives reveal what’s at stake if a strong agreement to limit carbon emissions is…
The Devil We Know – Official Trailer
Unraveling one of the biggest environmental scandals of our time, a group of citizens in West Virginia take on a powerful corporation after they discover it has been knowingly dumping a toxic chemical — now found in the blood of 99.7…
Intermittent Fasting 101: What are the Benefits of Fasting?
The other day I said to my husband “I am about to embark on a 16-hour fast. No eating for the next 16 hours after my next meal. Want to join me?” Being a guy who loves to eat around…
What Didn’t Go Well in My Garden This Season
There are lots of glossy photos of amazing gardens out there, and sometimes they seem too good to be true. Last year when I was a keynote speaker at a gardening conference, after my talk one of the participants approached…