Happening: A Clean Energy Revolution – Official Trailer

Filmmaker James Redford embarks on a colorful personal journey into the dawn of the clean energy era as it creates jobs, turns profits, and makes communities stronger and healthier across the US. Pioneering clean energy solutions are revealed, from Georgetown,…

How do I Eat a Kumquat?

What’s a kumquat and what’s the besat way to eat it? Find out in this quick episode where Earl Herrick of Earl’s Organic Produce speaks with Chef Sita about kumquats. Originally posted 2019-01-15 12:49:53.

Can Going Ketogenic Optimize Your Brain Health?

Fascinating developments have been made recently in the area of brain health and diet. Inspired by a recent book, “Genius Health” by Max Lugavere , I took a further look into the increasingly popular ketogenic diet and it’s powerful connection…

Intermittent Fasting 101: What are the Benefits of Fasting?

The other day I said to my husband “I am about to embark on a 16-hour fast. No eating for the next 16 hours after my next meal. Want to join me?” Being a guy who loves to eat around…

Five Rules for Fasting During the Holiday Season

Shortly after Halloween Day passes, I start to notice changes in friends and clients’ eating behavior. Suddenly, they become more concerned (and rightfully so!) about the upcoming holiday season and associated potential for weight gain and vow to cut out…

Protecting Sharks Can Save the Ocean’s Ecosystem

Throughout history, humans have hunted many species that supposedly pose a threat to human life. As a result, we have brought many large predators such as Grizzly bears and wolves to near or complete extinction. Finally, new scientific studies show…

Current Revolution – Official Trailer

From substations to gas stations, boardrooms to military bases — this film tells the story of America’s energy industry on the brink of massive change. Whether it fails, prevails or adapts, the outcome will profoundly affect us all. This is…

Eat Your Fruits and Veggies – It’s Easier Than You Think!

Mom says “Eat your fruits and veggies” and you’ll get big and strong. Doctors tell you that eating plenty of vegetables and fruits can help you reduce the risk of heart disease, control blood pressure, and may even help prevent…

Dolores – Official Trailer

Dolores Huerta is among the most important, yet least known, activists in American history. An equal partner in co-founding the first farm workers unions with Cesar Chavez, her enormous contributions have gone largely unrecognized. Dolores tirelessly led the fight for…

What Didn’t Go Well in My Garden This Season

There are lots of glossy photos of amazing gardens out there, and sometimes they seem too good to be true. Last year when I was a keynote speaker at a gardening conference, after my talk one of the participants approached…

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