How to Make Perfect Dairy-Free Whipped Cream
Here’s how to make the perfect traditional or dairy-free whipped cream: Traditional Whipped Cream 1. Choose your tools and favorite recipe. Nested whisks Hand mixer Mason jar 2. Chill EVERYTHING (bowls, tools,…
DIY Apple Cider Vinegar Conditioner Rinse That Will Make Your Hair Shine
If the baking soda shampoo worked well for you, consider complimenting your routine with an…
This is Your Brain on Nature From a Scientist’s Point-of-View
If you live in a city and spend a significant amount of time on your…
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Plant Perennials to Nourish Your Garden Year-Round
Written by Acadia Tucker My dark winter nights are generally spent curled next to a…
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8 Nutrition and Lifestyle Tips for Healthy Holidays
Approaching the holiday season can make many of us a little anxious. Typically, weight gain and stress are associated with these extra-busy months, which are filled with holiday parties, larger-scale meal preparation, gift shopping, traveling, volunteering and a host of…
How to Prepare Your Vegetable Garden For Winter
When the calendar flips over to the fall season many gardeners immediately hang up their gardening gloves for the year. This is a mistake! If you take some time in fall to prepare your vegetable garden for winter, you’ll reap…
Green the Holidays with a Living Christmas Tree Rental
It’s that time of year again when we celebrate family, loved ones, food, the end of the year, and hopefully count all of our blessings. It’s Christmas, and wherever you may be listening to the show, at least the thought…