Megan Morris


15 Articles0 Comments

After studying the intricate connection between food and chronic illness, Megan Morris co-founded Prescribe Nutrition, a nutrition company dedicated to helping people restore their relationship with food and uncover the diet that works best for them. Megan is particularly passionate about the links between food, digestion and helping people feel better. She lives in San Francisco with her dog Fozzie Bear.

Top 5 Foods for Glowing Skin

We’re back at it talking about all things regarding health and skin. Yes, we are obsessed with skin here at Prescribe Nutrition. Why? Because we’re in our thirties and that’s what happens from here on out folks. My mom [who…

2 Simple Recipes for Homemade Energy Bites

At Prescribe Nutrition we know the importance of having a healthy snack on hand. Having something to eat that includes the all too important trifecta: fat, fiber & protein can ward off making bad choices when you’re feeling that blood…

What You Need to Know About Vitamin D Deficiency

It’s winter, y’all – time for crockpot dinners, cozy nights and mother nature to put on one of her most beautiful displays of color. The flip side of winter fun? Less sun. Not many of us crave more darkness. Hygge…

The Story of Us: Prescribe Nutrition

This is the story of how Prescribe Nutrition how began. In fact, it began with you. Before Prescribe Nutrition ever existed, before Katie and Megan ever met, we had private nutrition practices. People emailed or called one of us, popped…

Kitchen Tools We Just Can’t Live Without

We’ve got another round-up coming your way, and it’s all about what keeps us sane in the kitchen. If you’re practicing any sort of whole foods diet, trying to save money, but also eat healthy, doing our gentle detox Prescribe 20…

Our Favorite (Healthy!) Convenience Snacks

We’re talking convenience snacks. Because let’s get real, life is ridiculously busy, and convenience is king. As nutritionists, we get this question – A LOT: what are our go-to snacks?! The good news is that part one of this blog series sets…

Healthy DIY Peppermint Mocha Recipe You’ll Go Crazy For

Peppermint Mocha: Our Latest Obsession In looking over past Prescribe Nutrition blogs I’ve come to realize a few things. We love beverages. This includes coffee. We (ok, I) seem to talk about it a lot. We love upgrading beverages, to…

Why Organic Miso Paste Should Be a Staple in Your Fridge

Once upon a time, a girl had a recipe that she made for all her friends when they came to her house. She used it as a sauce, a dressing, a dip…the limits of this recipe were boundless. It included…

The Best Way to Detox That Will Nurture, Heal and Help Your Body

Detox… cleanse … “a restart” – sound familiar? Been there done that? Yeah, me too. The common thread with those catchwords is usually followed by a sigh and a mix of emotions ranging from hope to anxiety. Will this detox work? Will…

I Weighed Myself for Two Weeks, Here’s What Happened

I hate the scale. When I think about stepping on the scale my palms get clammy and my anxiety peaks. It’s a Pavlovian response. I see a scale and immediately conjure up all those visits at the doctors over the years. The…

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