Heidi Buttery

Certified Nutrition Consultant

48 Articles0 Comments

Heidi Buttery is a certified nutritionist who resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. She helps athletes focus on their relationship to food and educates them, based on 4 pillars: consciousness, gratitude, sound science and positivity. She offers meal planning, race fueling and unique recommendations to fit lifestyle, budget and goals.

A Hawaiian Foodie Adventure (Part III)- The Finale!

Welcome to Heidi’s Hawaiian foodie adventure part III. If you haven’t already, check out Part I and Part II to learn all about her adventure of racing and eating through the beautiful islands of Hawaii with the Epic5 Challenge. My Hawaiian Foodie Adventure Part…

Don’t Let Your Fresh Produce Go Bad! Here Are Some Tricks

Quite often, good intentions of eating healthy and stocking the fridge with fresh produce can take a wrong turn during the week, as schedules pick up in pace and you don’t have time to make as many dishes as you…

New Year, New You: 6 Week Nutrition Program

Lose weight, gain energy, reduce excess sugar and build your best nutritional base for 2019 with Heidi’s eBook: How to Fuel Your Best Base Season eBook, a 6-week nutrition program.  What is it? A “Nutrition + Lifestyle” guide designed to help…

3 Quick Tips to Break “the” Fast

Fasting has become a popular method of eating strategy for a variety of reasons. These include weight loss, metabolism reset and activating anti-aging genes. Depending on the length of your fast (generally longer than 24 hours), you may want to…

How Much Protein Do You Need During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it’s critical to obtain extra nutrients for you and your developing baby. Protein, made up of amino acids, is an important macronutrient, which plays an important role in every cell in the body. During the second and third trimesters, it…

What is the Best Way to Love Your Liver?

One of the most simple, yet effective ways to boost overall health is by giving special attention to one of our most important organs: the liver. Here is why you should love your liver. What Are the Main Functions of…

Training for an Event? Focus on These 5 Areas of Nutrition to Reduce Recovery Time

In the world of sports, nutrition is often an afterthought where many athletes instinctively grab a few sugary energy bars on their way out the door, fill bike bottles with fluorescent electrolyte water and excessively carbohydrate load before a big…

A Hawaiian Foodie Adventure (Part II)

My Hawaiian Foodie Adventure Part II Welcome to Heidi’s Hawaiian foodie adventure Part II with the Epic5 Ultra Runners! Molokai “The Friendly Island” Of all the inter-island flights we took during the event, flying from Oahu to Molokai is a clear standout…

3 Strategies for Effective Dietary Change

A few months into the new year, many of us may feel discouraged by lackluster results from a diet overhaul endeavor, which usually takes place in January. It’s helpful to take a step back and review the reasons for a…

Our Favorite Energy Sustaining and Healthy Oatmeal Toppings

A common breakfast choice for many, oatmeal is easy to prepare and can be an energy-sustaining meal, depending on what you add to it. A typical 9 oz. serving size carries a glycemic load ranging from 13 – 21 (depending…

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