With apple season upon us, I thought what better way to celebrate than with an apple and pumpkin recipe? So, I decided on some Apple Pumpkin Pup-Cakes! These “pup” cakes are the perfect way to get some in-season apples into…
A Guide to Therapeutic and Natural Healing with Essential Oils
Imagine there is a new world out there, a different dimension, right at your fingertips, that you could enter at any time, that can bring you joy, and pleasure, and healing. That world exists, and we will dive into that…
How to Pick a Perfect Peach
Everything you need to know about peaches. How to pick a perfect peach and how to store it. With Earl Herrick of Earl’s Organic Produce. Originally posted 2019-01-15 12:50:12.
An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth To Power – Official Trailer
In An Inconvenient Sequel: Truth to Power, Former Vice President Al Gore continues his tireless fight, traveling around the world to train an army of activists and influence international climate policy. Cameras follow him behind the scenes — in moments…
Learn How to Cut Peaches in 2 Minutes
Chef Sita and Earl Herrick of Earl’s Organic Produce explain the difference between “cling” and “freestone” peaches and how to cut them. Originally posted 2019-01-15 12:50:37.
Wildland – Official Trailer
Epic and intimate in the same breath, Wildland tells the story of a single wildland firefighting crew as they struggle with fear, loyalty, love, and defeat. What emerges is a story of a small group of working-class men, their exterior…
What Rachel Carson Has Taught Us About Environmental Protection
Under much scrutiny from chemical companies, environmentalist and activist Rachel Carson released her book, Silent Spring, on September 27th, 1962. It shook the public and brought the environmental world into focus. Environmental protection became a real, ongoing topic, and what…
How to Build Your Own Independent Farmstead and Live Off the Land
Many people, especially young folks, dream of owning their own small piece of land. To live off the land, self-supported, away from the stresses of the city. To live a lifestyle of peace, based on a deep relationship to nature…
Healthy Comfort Food That’s Good for You and Easy to Cook, Too!
From trends and specialty diets to indecipherable food labels. From expensive equipment in food reality shows on TV to ingredients in processed foods that have nothing to do with nourishment, it is remarkable how complicated food has become. Let’s bring…
How Can We Honor Our Planet and Ourselves?
In the world of news and politics and social and environmental justice we, as a culture, often focus disproportionately on what is not working. From a deeply human perspective, the film Love Thy Nature brings the balance back in focusing…