Heidi Buttery

Certified Nutrition Consultant

48 Articles0 Comments

Heidi Buttery is a certified nutritionist who resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. She helps athletes focus on their relationship to food and educates them, based on 4 pillars: consciousness, gratitude, sound science and positivity. She offers meal planning, race fueling and unique recommendations to fit lifestyle, budget and goals.

How Much Protein Do You Need During Pregnancy?

During pregnancy, it’s critical to obtain extra nutrients for you and your developing baby. Protein, made up of amino acids, is an important macronutrient, which plays an important role in every cell in the body. During the second and third trimesters, it…

Healthy Nutrition is the Key to Holistic Cancer Recovery

Cancer is an abnormal growth of cells in the body. Unlike normal cells, cancer cells can grow out of control, form new cancer cells and invade other tissues. Cancer prevalence is high in the United States. The three most common…

When it Comes to Energy Bars…Which Bar is Best?

I consult with a lot of athletes, and a question I often get asked is “Which energy bar is best for me?” They usually have a few common requirements for their energy bars: a reasonably priced, healthy option, with local…

Eat These Foods to Maintain a Healthy Pancreas

How to Maintain a Healthy Pancreas A healthy pancreas provides assistance to the liver by releasing insulin for glucose absorption. Depending on the individual’s needs, the proper level of blood sugar level may vary and must be monitored. The pancreas…

Keep or Toss? Your Guide to the Best (and Worst!) Cooking Oils

When it comes to pan-frying an egg, drizzling oil over a salad or roasting veggies, one thing is for certain: you need healthy, heat-appropriate cooking oils to optimize the health benefits of whatever dish you are preparing. Here is our…

What is the Best Way to Love Your Liver?

One of the most simple, yet effective ways to boost overall health is by giving special attention to one of our most important organs: the liver. Here is why you should love your liver. What Are the Main Functions of…

Added Sugars are Hiding in Your Food… Can You Find Them?

“No-added sugar” or “Low-added sugar” diets are becoming increasingly popular and for good reason. A 2014 study published in JAMA Internal Medicine showed added dietary sugar increases risk of cardiovascular (heart) disease. Heart disease is the leading cause of death…

Nutrition Facts Labels: What Does it All Mean?

Nutrition Facts Labels Nutrition Facts Labels are governed by the FDA (U.S. Food & Drug Administration) and are commonly found on prepackaged foods. They were updated in 2016 to reflect new scientific information. The refreshed design included increased type size…

Wellness in the Workplace: What’s Good for Employees is Good for Business!

It may come as no surprise that when employees feel better and are in good health, they are more productive in their jobs. Yet, it has taken some time for this notion to translate into action within businesses to promote…

3 Quick Tips to Break “the” Fast

Fasting has become a popular method of eating strategy for a variety of reasons. These include weight loss, metabolism reset and activating anti-aging genes. Depending on the length of your fast (generally longer than 24 hours), you may want to…

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