A special preview screening and youth activist workshop. An intimate look at a group of youth plaintiffs, ages 10–21, as they embark on the groundbreaking—and possibly most important—climate change litigation of the 21st century. The fight to secure their legal…
Regenerative Gardening is Good for Your Health and the Planet
Written by Acadia Tucker It’s 6:30 a.m. and the sun has been up for a little less than an hour. I roll out of bed and quickly guzzle a cup of coffee. Then I slip on my moss-green muck boots,…
How to Build Compost for Healthier Soil
Written by Acadia Tucker When I was growing up I often spent muggy afternoons with my grandmother after school tucked away in the back of her garden, cutting twigs into small pieces for the compost pile. I never grasped the…
How Safe Is Our Drinking Water, Really?
Governmental agencies are in place to make absolutely sure that we are protected. That we are able to live lives that are healthy, and safe. The drinking water crisis in Flint, Michigan, brought forward a picture that one can adapt…
This is Your Brain on Nature From a Scientist’s Point-of-View
If you live in a city and spend a significant amount of time on your devices, this show is for you. New research has found that a cell phone is addictive, literally. The best antidote? Nature! The temperatures are warming,…
Guardian – Official Trailer
Instituted in the early 1900s, the Canadian government’s “Guardian” program established a network of maritime patrolmen tasked with the ecological protection of coastal waterways. Dedicated to lives of science and solitude, Guardians live on boats full-time, monitoring the salmon populations…
Instead of Carbo-Loading, Try a Ketogenic Approach to Athletic Fueling
A common sports nutrition phrase that you may have heard is “carb-loading” (or “carbo-loading”). This refers to filling the body with (often) very starchy, carbohydrates to top off glycogen stores to fuel a training or race day. While there is…
The Harvest – Official Trailer
Italy is renowned the world over for its excellent food. Yet thousands of foreign workers support the country’s agri-food production. The Harvest is a bold docu-musical that shows the daily exploitation of Sikh field workers, combining documentary with traditional Punjabi choreography…
Plant Perennials to Nourish Your Garden Year-Round
Written by Acadia Tucker My dark winter nights are generally spent curled next to a fire devouring every seed catalog that can fit into my mailbox. Dreaming of the tomatoes, peas, and corn I’ll plant in the spring helps me…
Our Massive Problem with Sugar Addiction: What Can We Do?
The average American consumes about 150 pounds of refined sugar a year. That’s almost half a pound of refined sugar each day. Refined sugar is in everything, not just in sugary drinks, but even in our cut meats, in our…