Heidi Buttery

Certified Nutrition Consultant

48 Articles0 Comments

Heidi Buttery is a certified nutritionist who resides in the San Francisco Bay Area. She helps athletes focus on their relationship to food and educates them, based on 4 pillars: consciousness, gratitude, sound science and positivity. She offers meal planning, race fueling and unique recommendations to fit lifestyle, budget and goals.

A Hawaiian Foodie Adventure (Part I)

My Adventure of Racing (and Eating!) through Hawaii Waking up at 2:30 am on the first day of the inaugural Epic5 Ultra Run Challenge, I was greeted by my ohana Lisa, who graciously offered me a cup of island coffee (as…

Finding Meditative Moments is Crucial to Happiness

Finding meditative moments outside of yoga class, where someone is reminding you to focus, can be quite difficult. Here are some ways that I find my meditative moments high above the trees, almost in the clouds, and surrounded by deer,…

3 Adaptogenic Drinks to Boost Energy and Build Resilience

Adaptogens, or adaptogenic substances, decrease our sensitivity to stress. Our adrenal system often gets overtaxed by common life events: getting married, increased job responsibilities, buying a house, social pressure and for some athletes, overtraining for an event. Adaptogens are not…

Maintaining Stable Cells: Why Antioxidants are Important

We hear a lot about antioxidants and how we need to make sure to incorporate them into our daily diet, but why? What do they do that is so helpful for our bodies? Here are some reasons why antioxidants are…

Training for an Event? Focus on These 5 Areas of Nutrition to Reduce Recovery Time

In the world of sports, nutrition is often an afterthought where many athletes instinctively grab a few sugary energy bars on their way out the door, fill bike bottles with fluorescent electrolyte water and excessively carbohydrate load before a big…

Gut Health Impacts Your Overall Health

When we hear the word ‘gut’, it’s often associated with the phrase: “I have a gut feeling.” There is much truth to that statement as our health is determined largely by our gut health. Leaky gut syndrome (“LGS”) or more…

Instead of Carbo-Loading, Try a Ketogenic Approach to Athletic Fueling

A common sports nutrition phrase that you may have heard is “carb-loading” (or “carbo-loading”). This refers to filling the body with (often) very starchy, carbohydrates to top off glycogen stores to fuel a training or race day. While there is…

Five Rules for Fasting During the Holiday Season

Shortly after Halloween Day passes, I start to notice changes in friends and clients’ eating behavior. Suddenly, they become more concerned (and rightfully so!) about the upcoming holiday season and associated potential for weight gain and vow to cut out…

5 Must Have Spices for Your Pantry and Why They’re Good for You

Pantries are designed to be filled with nutrient-dense staple foods, beverages, and spices. Stocking your pantry can take time, but it’s worth it as you can ensure you’ll have booster foods, such as spices and superfood powders, to enhance your…

High Folate Foods for a Healthy Pregnancy

Often, the terms “folate” and “folic acid” are used interchangeably when discussing vitamin B9. Folate refers to naturally-derived vitamin B9 found in food and folic acid is a compound used in dietary supplements and food fortification. Both versions of vitamin…

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