
Let’s talk wellness. Mindfulness, natural ways to de-stress, nature, self-care. What can you do for your wellness?

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Two Eco-Friendly Children’s Books That Make Perfect Gifts

Looking for eco-friendly holiday gifts for the kids in your life? The Farm Animal Rescue…

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An Adventurer Sets Out to Be the First Wheelchair Hiker to Cross the Sierra Nevada

In this life, in this world, you would think that we might run out of…

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I Weighed Myself for Two Weeks, Here’s What Happened

I hate the scale. When I think about stepping on the scale my palms get clammy…

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A Guide to Therapeutic and Natural Healing with Essential Oils

Imagine there is a new world out there, a different dimension, right at your fingertips,…

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What it Takes to Make the Journey from Casual Jogger to Ultra-Runner

For many years, I reserved the ‘runner’ title for those who ran often, usually fast,…

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The Art of Giving Simple Gifts

Running along the coast of the picturesque Maui shoreline, in the early morning hours, with…

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What is Holistic Chiropractic Care? An Alternative to Traditional Medicine

Most of us live in an urban environment, where we sit at our desks and…

What Can the Seasons Teach Us About Life?

I had lunch at Fish. the other day, one of my favorite hang-outs on the…

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4 Wheel Bob – Official Trailer

4 Wheel Bob tells the story of wheelchair hiker Bob Coomber and his attempt to…

ways to de-stress - stress - mindfulness - happiness - relax
Three Easy Ways to De-stress

1. Ways to De-Stress At Work Limiting the amount of time you spend on email…

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