
Let’s talk wellness. Mindfulness, natural ways to de-stress, nature, self-care. What can you do for your wellness?

ways to de-stress - stress - mindfulness - happiness - relax
Three Easy Ways to De-stress

1. Ways to De-Stress At Work Limiting the amount of time you spend on email…

journey to becoming a runner - journey into running - casual jogger to ultra-runner - jogging - running - racing - training - fitness - fitness journey - 5K - 10K
What it Takes to Make the Journey from Casual Jogger to Ultra-Runner

For many years, I reserved the ‘runner’ title for those who ran often, usually fast,…

foodie adventure part III - hawaiian foodie adventure part III - hawaii - epic5 challenge - ultra-race - nutritionist - hawaiian islands - maui - big island - hilo - smoothies - local food - runners - running - race
A Hawaiian Foodie Adventure (Part III)- The Finale!

Welcome to Heidi’s Hawaiian foodie adventure part III. If you haven’t already, check out Part I and Part…

love letter - appreciation - gratitude - inner beauty - change
Changing the World, One Love Letter at a Time

I recently was asked by a listener how we can most successfully create a better world…

personal growth - professional growth - personal coaching - growth - executive coaching - awareness - mindfulness - leadership - alignment
Personal Growth – How to Create the Best Version of Yourself

Let’s take a look at the human potential. How can we expand from our childhood,…

relationship with a scale - weighed myself - throw out your scale - how to lose weight - weight loss
I Weighed Myself for Two Weeks, Here’s What Happened

I hate the scale. When I think about stepping on the scale my palms get clammy…

hawaiian foodie adventure part II - hawaii - foodie - adventure - epic5 challenge - triathalon - ultra race - runners - running - nutritionist
A Hawaiian Foodie Adventure (Part II)

My Hawaiian Foodie Adventure Part II Welcome to Heidi’s Hawaiian foodie adventure Part II with the Epic5…

Prescribe Nutrition - nutritionist - nutritionists - organic nutritionists - organic nutritionist - nutrition - healthy lifestyle - healthy change - success stories
The Story of Us: Prescribe Nutrition

This is the story of how Prescribe Nutrition how began. In fact, it began with…

soil - ecology - micro-organisms - interconnectivity
Life Beneath the Surface: How Soil Connects Us

There is a universe beneath our feet – billions of micro-organisms in a teaspoon full…

inner balance - inner peace - mindfulness - meditation - balance - stress - destress
How to Find Inner Balance and Cultivate Happiness in a Chaotic World

It is the blending of knowledge that makes us better, stronger, and hopefully wiser, as…

An Organic Conversation

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