Food & Health

cooling foods - ayurvedic principles - cucumbers - summer produce - cooling herbs - herbs - mint
How to Use the Ayurvedic Principles of Cooling Foods

During the warmer months, try incorporating cooling foods into your diet to improve metabolism and digestion.…

berries - fruit- health benefits - antioxidants - free radicals - nutritional information - nutrition - healthy food - organic fruit - strawberries - summer fruit
Eat More Berries to Neutralize Free-Radicals

Northern California enjoys an early berry season, with strawberries appearing for sale at farmers’ markets…

paleo parsnip and pear soup - winter vegetables - root vegetables - soup recipe - winter soup - fall recipe - comfort food
Piping Paleo Parsnip and Pear Soup

Parsnips are a perfect winter vegetable that provide excellent nutritional benefits. According to The Encyclopedia…

Quercetin - natural allergy remedies - allergies - treating allergies naturally - foods for allergies - foods for seasonal allergies - spring allergies
Nip Seasonal Allergies in the Bud Naturally with Quercetin

Sneezing, runny nose, headaches, coughing and red, watery itchy eyes. These uncomfortable allergy symptoms can…

boost heart health - healthy heart - foods for healthy heart - heart foods - foods that benefit heart - healthy heart foods - heart diet
3 Botanicals to Boost Heart Health

February is American Heart Month. It’s a powerful opportunity to raise awareness and education regarding…

Crucial Tips for Cooking at High Altitude

Are you planning a hiking adventure in the mountains or training for an athletic event…

How to Spring Detox without Dieting

It’s April, which means Earth Day month, happy temperatures, spring blossoms, and fresh veggies. The…

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