How Can You Prevent Xylitol Poisoning in Dogs?

Xylitol, a popular sugar substitute, is highly toxic and potentially deadly for dogs. While many of us equate xylitol with chewing gum, there are many other common foods and household items that we may not think about containing xylitol –…

Apple Pumpkin Pup-Cakes: Your Dog’s New Favorite Fall Treat

With apple season upon us, I thought what better way to celebrate than with an apple and pumpkin recipe? So, I decided on some Apple Pumpkin Pup-Cakes! These “pup” cakes are the perfect way to get some in-season apples into…

Is Going Organic Right for Your Pet?

Many foods today contain toxins, such as pesticides, herbicides, antibiotics, growth hormones and chemical additives that have been linked to serious health issues in people and animals. To minimize this toxic assault, you might feed your family as many organic…

Organic Carrot Apple Dog Treats

If you like to spread the flavor of the season among your 4-legged family members as well, try this easy, healthy, and inexpensive recipe for carrot apple dog treats. Your furry friends will love it! Carrot Apple Dog Treats INGREDIENTS 2…

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