One of the most powerful transformations in the world of diets has occurred for the term Vegan. In its early days in the 1980’s when I learned about it, Vegan often meant overcooked carrots with a cold tofu salad. Today we know that a plant-based diet, which is exactly what a Vegan diet comprises of – plants, is the healthiest way to eat. Newest biome research (biome being the bacteria in our bodies and particularly in our gut) shows that a fiber-rich diet of fruits and vegetables (ideally organic) is the most important piece for optimal microbial health in our bodies. And with it, the foundation for our own health. Easy vegan meals are more accessible now than ever, as the plant-based dishes that some chefs are coming up with are simply out of this world. And even better, these meals are easy for us to create, even at home.
Listen to Podcast Episode on Eating a Plant-Based Diet
“Colorful Vegan Kitchen: Plant-Based Recipes for Everyone”
Host Helge Hellberg in an organic conversation with Ilene Godofsky Moreno, Author of The Colorful Kitchen, Brooklyn, NY
Originally posted 2018-02-21 09:31:58.