Planet Earth

seed keepers - seed documentary - seed bank - seed preservation - seed saving
Passionate Seed Keepers Protect a 12,000 Year-Old Food Legacy

A carrot seed is far less than a millimeter in size, a tiny speck of…

dirt rich - documentary - film - green film festival - san francisco filmmaker - soil - biodiversity - carbon - borneo - hawaii - costa rica - healthy land
Dirt Rich – Official Trailer

Marcy Cravat (ANGEL AZUL) illustrates how implementing carbon ‘draw down’ strategies will return our atmosphere…

organic wine - non-organic wine - organic media network - organic winery
Organic vs. Non-Organic Wine: What’s Really in Your Glass?

The summer months are here! That means evening outdoor parties, and hopefully some leisurely slow…

guardian - documentary - canadian government - waterways - salmon - enviornmental protection - ecology - an organic conversation - helge hellberg - education - inspiration - green media - green living
Guardian – Official Trailer

Instituted in the early 1900s, the Canadian government’s “Guardian” program established a network of maritime…

california after the fires - california wildfires - wine country fires - california fires wine country - california vineyard fires - northern california wildfires - northern california wildfires wine country
California After the Fires: Lessons from a Biodynamic Vineyard

Last fall, Southern and Northern California experienced the worst fires in its recorded history. Fires…

plastic pollution - a plastic ocean - documentary - science - environment - plastic - waste - film - an organic conversation - education - inspiration - green media - green living - helge hellberg
A Plastic Ocean: A Critical View on Our Planet’s Plastic Pollution

It’s a heart-wrenching topic, and nevertheless a beautiful and absolutely critical documentary – A Plastic…

stroop - documentary - film - rhinoceros - rhino horns - africa - green film - green living - education 0 inspiration - organic conversation - helge hellberg
Stroop: Journey Into the Rhino Horn War

In Africa and Asia, two filmmakers embed themselves on the front-lines of a species genocide…

love thy nature - film - documentary - liam neeson
Love Thy Nature – Official Trailer

Narrated by Liam Neeson, Love Thy Nature points to how deeply we’ve lost touch with…

a plastic ocean - plastic ocean - documentary - plastic pollution - ocean - plastic - pollution - documentary - film - education - green media - green living - an organic conversation - helge hellberg
A Plastic Ocean – Official Trailer

In the center of the Pacific Ocean gyre, our researchers found more plastic than plankton. A…

The Last Italian Cowboy - free range livestock - free range - free range cattle - organic agriculture - organic farming - documentary - italian film festival - green media - green living - inspiration - education - helge hellberg - an organic conversation
The Last Italian Cowboys – Official Trailer

Walter Bencini’s beautifully shot documentary, a love song to the Maremma region of Italy, profiles…

An Organic Conversation

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