Megan Cain

Garden Educator

9 Articles0 Comments

Megan Cain is setting out to create a legion of gardening addicts that successfully and passionately grow their own food. Through her gardening education business, The Creative Vegetable Gardener, she helps people get more from their gardens by first mastering the essentials and then indulging in the colorful details that make gardening not just a favorite pastime, but a lifestyle.

How to Make Your Own DIY Grow Light Rack

It’s time for me to break the bad news…it’s virtually impossible to grow healthy seedlings at home in front of the window. When you do it this way you’ll likely end up with plants that are way too tall and…

The 5 Best Vegetables for Beginners to Grow at Home

This is the time of year when we gardeners are starting to feel the pull of the garden again. Mine is under snow right now in Wisconsin, so it’s going to be some weeks before I get to sink my…

6 Great Organic Gardening Books to Add to Your Winter Reading List

If gardening is a big part of your life in spring, summer, and fall, the arrival of winter gifts you with a lot more free time in your schedule. What’s a gardener to do? Read voraciously! Or, at least, that’s…

Why You Should Mulch Your Garden This Fall

When the cooler weather of fall arrives most of us dig out our chunky sweaters, queue up our gloves by the front door, and search for our missing stocking cap which hasn’t been seen since last year. Why do we…

What Didn’t Go Well in My Garden This Season

There are lots of glossy photos of amazing gardens out there, and sometimes they seem too good to be true. Last year when I was a keynote speaker at a gardening conference, after my talk one of the participants approached…

When You Buy Organic Vegetable Plants, Don’t Make This Mistake

At the local Garden Expo this winter, while chatting with some fellow gardeners, they mentioned their terrible luck with peppers last year – their fruit didn’t ripen to red. I immediately asked them what variety they grow. They looked at…

How to Plan Your Garden This Winter to Be Ready for Spring

If you don’t currently receive free garden catalogs at home, you’re really missing out. It’s so fun to peek inside your mailbox on a dark and dreary winter day and find a colorful seed catalog poking out. One of my favorite weekend…

How to Prepare Your Vegetable Garden For Winter

When the calendar flips over to the fall season many gardeners immediately hang up their gardening gloves for the year. This is a mistake! If you take some time in fall to prepare your vegetable garden for winter, you’ll reap…

Unique and Colorful Vegetables to Grow in Your Garden This Year

Red tomatoes, green beans, and orange carrots are great, but there’s so much more out there! This season, take a chance and grow some unique and interesting varieties in your garden. Growing beautiful and colorful food dramatically increases the fun…

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