Epic and intimate in the same breath, Wildland tells the story of a single wildland firefighting crew as they struggle with fear, loyalty, love, and defeat. What emerges is a story of a small group of working-class men, their exterior world, their interior lives, and the fire that lies between.
Playing at the 21st San Francisco Independent Film Festival (SF IndieFest) January 30 – February 14, 2019 at the Roxie Theater and Victoria Theater in San Francisco.
Ticket Link: https://prod3.agileticketing.net/websales/pages/info.aspx?evtinfo=422312~675e319f-e7c4-4a79-a043-594a140375bb&epguid=e34d52ef-9da4-4f85-b49d-01b497098d68&
Originally posted 2019-01-28 12:35:19.