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How to Build Your Own Independent Farmstead and Live Off the Land

Many people, especially young folks, dream of owning their own small piece of land. To…

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What Rachel Carson Has Taught Us About Environmental Protection

Under much scrutiny from chemical companies, environmentalist and activist Rachel Carson released her book, Silent…

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Healthy Comfort Food That’s Good for You and Easy to Cook, Too!

From trends and specialty diets to indecipherable food labels. From expensive equipment in food reality…

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What is Holistic Chiropractic Care? An Alternative to Traditional Medicine

Most of us live in an urban environment, where we sit at our desks and…

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A Plastic Ocean: A Critical View on Our Planet’s Plastic Pollution

It’s a heart-wrenching topic, and nevertheless a beautiful and absolutely critical documentary – A Plastic…

The Stash Plan Combines Food Science with Ancient Dietary Wisdom

Today we are talking with the creator of The Stash Plan: Your 21-Day Guide to…

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Looking for a New Hobby? Try Eco-Friendly DIY Candle Making

Everyone loves the gentle glow of candlelight. Making your own candles is not only fun,…

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Organic vs. Non-Organic Wine: What’s Really in Your Glass?

The summer months are here! That means evening outdoor parties, and hopefully some leisurely slow…

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Protecting Sharks Can Save the Ocean’s Ecosystem

Throughout history, humans have hunted many species that supposedly pose a threat to human life.…

How to Sleep Better and Stay Focused: Using Food for Wellness

Beyond diets and health benefits, food has a specific function. It can make us sleepy,…

An Organic Conversation

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